26 Mar 20
July 2021 Update
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Broxbourne Foodbank is doing everything it can to remain open. We are running on a minimum of volunteers so that we can social distance. We are unable to take on new volunteers We have 2 centres open – Wormley Free Church and The HUB We are observing social distancing so please be patient. If […]
2 Mar 17
Impact of Foodbank fresh food at Arlesdene Children’s Centre
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Impact of Foodbank fresh produce from Arlesdene Children’s Centre We have been receiving surplus fresh produce that Foodbank is unable to use for a while now, we are given it on a Monday and put it out for our families on a Tuesday. It is well used by all families that come to the centre, […]
2 Mar 17
Trustees Report 2015-2016
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Broxbourne Foodbank Trustees’ Report for the year July 2015 to June 2016 Trustees July 2015 – April 2016 D Free (Chair) G Evans (Treasurer), J Pearce (Co-ordinator), Rev B Quant; Sadly David Free, Chair of Trustees died on 8th April 2016, he is greatly missed. His drive and support was exceptional. Trustees April 2016 […]
2 Mar 17
Bingo Evening 2015
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Broxbourne foodbank Bingo night, November 2015 On Friday 20th November at 730pm, Broxbourne Foodbank hosted its inaugural charity bingo night and it was a huge success. Over 60 people attended Cheshunt Golf Centre for an evening of “eyes down, pens at the ready” bingo. The volunteers from Broxbourne Foodbank provided their guests with a light […]
23 Dec 15
6 Unexpected Things Foodbanks Need
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A visit to the food bank isn’t exactly a traditional Christmas activity, but one UK charity is asking for a little extra help this month, when demand is at its highest and families are choosing between eating and heating.
8 Dec 15
Why Would a Mum Doing a Business Degree Find Herself Begging on the Streets This Winter?
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With Christmas approaching, Michele from Brent Foodbank shares how she’s helping to make the festive season special for those struggling. “For the past few days I haven’t been to the street begging for money to buy food for me and my baby…” This was what a mother at Brent Foodbank told us recently. She was […]
1 Dec 15
Emergency Budget gets the food poverty test
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David McAuley, Chief Executive of The Trussell Trust said: “We have two simple tests for the budget being delivered today. Firstly, what does it do to reduce the number of people in poverty and hunger? Secondly, what does it do to ensure the Government is supporting the work of charities and social enterprise in taking […]
21 Oct 15
Listening to the lives behind the foodbank statistics
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MPs and peers discussed tackling UK poverty. The Trussell Trust, along with dozens of representatives from its UK network of foodbanks, were in parliament yesterday speaking with MPs and Peers about the work they do to combat hunger and poverty. Hosting the event, Chris White MP commended the varied work of the Trussell Trust’s foodbanks, […]
1 May 15
Trussell Trust foodbanks gave out over one million three day emergency food supplies to UK people in crisis in 2014/15.
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Benefit delays, low income and benefit changes are the primary reasons why people are currently being referred to foodbanks for emergency food. About Our Statistics The Trussell Trust statistics are a measure of volume – they show the number of people to whom The Trussell Trust foodbanks have given three days’ emergency food. These are […]